Package-level declarations


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class EphemeralFollowupMessage(val message: Message, val applicationId: Snowflake, val token: String, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : FollowupMessage, EphemeralFollowupMessageBehavior

Holds the followup Message resulting from an ephemeral followup message and behaves on it through EphemeralFollowupMessageBehavior.

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Holds the followup Message resulting from an interaction followup and behaves on it through FollowupMessageBehavior.

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class PublicFollowupMessage(val message: Message, val applicationId: Snowflake, val token: String, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : FollowupMessage, PublicFollowupMessageBehavior

Holds the followup Message resulting from a public followup message and behaves on it through PublicFollowupMessageBehavior