Package-level declarations


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An Event that fires when an ActionInteraction is created.

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class ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdateEvent(val permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissions, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : Event
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An Event that fires when a ButtonInteraction is created.

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class ChatInputCommandCreateEvent(val command: GuildChatInputCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandCreateEvent
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class ChatInputCommandDeleteEvent(val command: GuildChatInputCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent
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class ChatInputCommandUpdateEvent(val command: GuildChatInputCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent
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An Event that fires when a DataInteraction is created.

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An Event that fires when a GlobalAutoCompleteInteraction is created.

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An Event that fires when a GlobalButtonInteraction is created.

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class GlobalModalSubmitInteractionCreateEvent(val interaction: GlobalModalSubmitInteraction, val shard: Int, val kord: Kord, val customContext: Any?) : ModalSubmitInteractionCreateEvent

An Event that fires when a GlobalModalSubmitInteraction is created.

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class GuildAutoCompleteInteractionCreateEvent(val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val interaction: GuildAutoCompleteInteraction, val customContext: Any?) : AutoCompleteInteractionCreateEvent

An Event that fires when a GuildAutoCompleteInteraction is created.

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An Event that fires when a GuildButtonInteraction is created.

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class GuildModalSubmitInteractionCreateEvent(val interaction: GuildModalSubmitInteraction, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ModalSubmitInteractionCreateEvent

An Event that fires when a GuildModalSubmitInteraction is created.

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sealed interface InteractionCreateEvent : Event

An Event that fires when an Interaction is created.

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class MessageCommandCreateEvent(val command: GuildMessageCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandCreateEvent
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class MessageCommandDeleteEvent(val command: GuildMessageCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent
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class MessageCommandUpdateEvent(val command: GuildMessageCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent
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class UnknownApplicationCommandCreateEvent(val command: UnknownGuildApplicationCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandCreateEvent
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class UnknownApplicationCommandDeleteEvent(val command: UnknownGuildApplicationCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent
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class UnknownApplicationCommandUpdateEvent(val command: UnknownGuildApplicationCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent
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class UserCommandCreateEvent(val command: GuildUserCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandCreateEvent
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class UserCommandDeleteEvent(val command: GuildUserCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent
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class UserCommandUpdateEvent(val command: GuildUserCommand, val kord: Kord, val shard: Int, val customContext: Any?) : ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent