Package-level declarations


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value class AudioFrame(val data: ByteArray)

A frame of 20ms Opus-encoded 48k stereo audio data.

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fun interface AudioProvider

Implementations of AudioProvider should provide proper AudioFrames representing the audio which should be transmitted to Discord.

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class DefaultFrameInterceptor(data: DefaultFrameInterceptorData = DefaultFrameInterceptorData()) : FrameInterceptor

The default implementation for FrameInterceptor. Any custom implementation should extend this and call the super intercept method, or else the speaking flags will not be sent!

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data class DefaultFrameInterceptorData(val speakingState: SpeakingFlags = SpeakingFlags { +SpeakingFlag.Microphone })

Data that is used to configure for the lifetime of a DefaultFrameInterceptor.

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An interceptor for audio frames before they are sent as packets.

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data class FrameInterceptorConfiguration(val gateway: Gateway, val voiceGateway: VoiceGateway, val ssrc: UInt)
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class VoiceConnection(val data: VoiceConnectionData, val gateway: Gateway, val voiceGateway: VoiceGateway, val socket: VoiceUdpSocket, var voiceGatewayConfiguration: VoiceGatewayConfiguration, val streams: Streams, val audioProvider: AudioProvider, val frameInterceptor: FrameInterceptor, val frameSender: AudioFrameSender, val nonceStrategy: NonceStrategy, connectionDetachDuration: Duration)

A VoiceConnection is an adapter that forms the concept of a voice connection, or a connection between you and Discord voice servers.

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class VoiceConnectionBuilder(var gateway: Gateway, var selfId: Snowflake, var channelId: Snowflake, var guildId: Snowflake)
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data class VoiceConnectionData(val selfId: Snowflake, val guildId: Snowflake, val sessionId: String)

Data that represents a VoiceConnection, these will never change during the lifetime of a VoiceConnection.


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@JvmName(name = "SpeakingFlags0")
fun SpeakingFlags(flags: Iterable<SpeakingFlags>): SpeakingFlags

Returns an instance of SpeakingFlags that has all bits set that are set in any element of flags.

inline fun SpeakingFlags(builder: SpeakingFlags.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): SpeakingFlags

Returns an instance of SpeakingFlags built with SpeakingFlags.Builder.

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inline suspend fun VoiceConnection(gateway: Gateway, selfId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, builder: VoiceConnectionBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): VoiceConnection

Builds a VoiceConnection configured by the builder.