
Link copied to clipboard
@SerialName(value = "channel_types")
abstract val channelTypes: Optional<List<ChannelType>>

List of channel types to include in the channel select component (ComponentType.ChannelSelect)

Link copied to clipboard

a list of child components (for action rows)

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@SerialName(value = "custom_id")
abstract val customId: Optional<String>

a developer-defined identifier for the button, max 100 characters

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@SerialName(value = "default_values")
abstract val defaultValues: Optional<List<DiscordSelectDefaultValue>>
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whether the button is disabled, default false

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an DiscordPartialEmoji that appears on the button (if the component is a button)

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abstract val label: Optional<String>
Link copied to clipboard
@SerialName(value = "max_length")
abstract val maxLength: OptionalInt

the maximum input length for a text input, min 1, max 4000.

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@SerialName(value = "max_values")
abstract val maxValues: OptionalInt

the maximum amount of options allowed

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@SerialName(value = "min_length")
abstract val minLength: OptionalInt

the minimum input length for a text input, min 0, max 4000.

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@SerialName(value = "min_values")
abstract val minValues: OptionalInt

the minimum amount of options allowed

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the select menu options

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abstract val placeholder: Optional<String>

the placeholder text for the select menu

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whether this component is required to be filled, default false.

Link copied to clipboard
abstract val type: ComponentType

the ComponentType of the component

Link copied to clipboard
abstract val url: Optional<String>

a url for link-style buttons

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abstract val value: Optional<String>

a pre-filled value for this component, max 4000 characters.