
The behavior of a Discord Webhook.



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abstract val id: Snowflake

The unique identifier of this entity.

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abstract val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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abstract val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.


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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Entity): Int

Compares entities on id.

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open suspend fun delete(reason: String? = null)

Requests to delete this webhook, this user must be the creator.

open suspend fun delete(token: String, reason: String? = null)

Requests to delete this webhook.

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open suspend fun deleteMessage(token: String, messageId: Snowflake, threadId: Snowflake? = null)

Requests to delete the Message with the given messageId previously sent from this webhook using the token for authentication.

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inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.edit(builder: WebhookModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Webhook

Requests to edit the webhook, this user must be the creator.

inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.edit(token: String, builder: WebhookModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Webhook

Requests to edit the webhook.

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inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.execute(token: String, threadId: Snowflake? = null, builder: WebhookMessageCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Requests to execute this webhook.

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inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.executeIgnored(token: String, threadId: Snowflake? = null, builder: WebhookMessageCreateBuilder.() -> Unit)

Requests to execute this webhook.

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open suspend fun getMessage(token: String, messageId: Snowflake, threadId: Snowflake? = null): Message

Requests the Message with the given messageId previously sent from this webhook using the token for authentication.

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open suspend fun getMessageOrNull(token: String, messageId: Snowflake, threadId: Snowflake? = null): Message?

Requests the Message with the given messageId previously sent from this webhook using the token for authentication, returns null when the message isn't present.

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open override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): WebhookBehavior

Returns a new WebhookBehavior with the given strategy.