
The base builder for creating a new message.



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The mentions in the message that are allowed to trigger a ping.

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The attachment objects with filename and description.

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The components to include with the message.

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abstract var content: String?

The message contents (up to 2000 characters).

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Up to 10 embeds (up to 6000 characters).

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abstract val files: MutableList<NamedFile>

The files to include as attachments.

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abstract override var flags: MessageFlags?

Optional custom MessageFlags to add to the message created.

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abstract var suppressEmbeds: Boolean?

Do not include any embeds when serializing this message.

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This message will not trigger push and desktop notifications.

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abstract var tts: Boolean?

Whether this message should be played as a text-to-speech message.


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inline fun MessageBuilder.actionRow(builder: ActionRowBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds an action row configured by the builder to the components of the message.

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open fun addFile(name: String, contentProvider: ChannelProvider): NamedFile

Adds a file with name and contentProvider to files.

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inline fun MessageBuilder.addFile(name: String, contentProvider: ChannelProvider, builder: AttachmentBuilder.() -> Unit): NamedFile

Adds a file with name and contentProvider to files.

inline fun MessageBuilder.addFile(path: Path, builder: AttachmentBuilder.() -> Unit): NamedFile

Adds a file with the given path to files.

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Configures the mentions in the message that are allowed to trigger a ping.

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inline fun MessageBuilder.embed(builder: EmbedBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds an embed configured by builder to the embeds of the message.

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Sets the flags for the message.