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constructor(key: ByteArray)


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fun decrypt(box: ByteArray, boxOffset: Int = 0, boxLength: Int = box.size, nonce: ByteArray, output: MutableByteArrayCursor): Boolean
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fun XSalsa20Poly1305Codec.decrypt(box: ByteArray, boxOffset: Int = 0, boxLength: Int = box.size, nonce: ByteArray): ByteArray?
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fun encrypt(message: ByteArray, mOffset: Int = 0, mLength: Int = message.size, nonce: ByteArray, output: MutableByteArrayCursor): Boolean
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fun XSalsa20Poly1305Codec.encrypt(message: ByteArray, mOffset: Int = 0, mLength: Int = message.size, nonce: ByteArray): ByteArray?