Package-level declarations
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The default Voice Gateway implementation of Kord, using an HttpClient for the underlying websocket.
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class DefaultVoiceGatewayBuilder(val selfId: Snowflake, val guildId: Snowflake, val sessionId: String)
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data class DefaultVoiceGatewayData(val selfId: Snowflake, val guildId: Snowflake, val sessionId: String, val client: HttpClient, val reconnectRetry: Retry, val eventFlow: MutableSharedFlow<VoiceEvent>)
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data class Ready(val ssrc: UInt, val ip: String, val port: Int, val modes: List<EncryptionMode>) : VoiceEvent
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data class Speaking(val userId: Snowflake, val ssrc: UInt, val speaking: SpeakingFlags) : VoiceEvent
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An implementation of the Discord Gateway (see gateway-only, not UDP connection in docs) and its lifecycle.
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Representation of Discord's Voice Gateway close codes.
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inline fun <T : VoiceEvent> VoiceGateway.on(scope: CoroutineScope = this.scope, crossinline consumer: suspend T.() -> Unit): Job
Convenience method that will invoke the consumer on every event T created by