
The default Voice Gateway implementation of Kord, using an HttpClient for the underlying websocket.


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constructor(data: DefaultVoiceGatewayData)


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open override val events: SharedFlow<VoiceEvent>

The incoming VoiceEvents of the Gateway. Users should expect kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flows to be hot and remain open for the entire lifecycle of the Gateway.

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open override val ping: StateFlow<Duration?>

The Duration between the last Heartbeat and HeartbeatAck.

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open override val scope: CoroutineScope


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open suspend override fun detach()
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inline fun <T : VoiceEvent> VoiceGateway.on(scope: CoroutineScope = this.scope, crossinline consumer: suspend T.() -> Unit): Job

Convenience method that will invoke the consumer on every event T created by

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open suspend override fun send(command: Command)

Sends a Command to the gateway, suspending until the message has been sent.

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open suspend override fun start(configuration: VoiceGatewayConfiguration)

Starts a reconnection voice gateway connection with the given configuration. This function will suspend until the lifecycle of the gateway has ended.

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open suspend override fun stop()

Close the Gateway and ends the current session, suspending until the underlying websocket is closed.