
class TextChannelThread(val data: ChannelData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : ThreadChannel(source)

A thread channel instance whose parent is a TextChannel or ForumChannel.


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constructor(data: ChannelData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier)


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Only available when creating a thread in a ForumChannel or MediaChannel.

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The timestamp when the thread's archive status was last changed.

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The time in which the thread will be auto archived after inactivity.

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The timestamp when the thread was created.

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open override val data: ChannelData
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The default duration setup pre-selected for this thread.

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open val flags: ChannelFlags?

The flags of this channel, if present.

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The guild behavior this channel is associated to.

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open override val guildId: Snowflake

The id of the guild this channel is associated to.

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open override val id: Snowflake

The unique identifier of this entity.

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Whether the channel is archived. Users cannot edit messages, add reactions, use slash commands, or join archived threads. The only operation that should happen within an archived thread is messages being deleted. Sending a message will automatically unarchive the thread, unless the thread has been locked by a moderator.

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Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread.

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open val isLocked: Boolean

Threads that have isLocked set to true can only be unarchived by a user with the Manage Threads permission.

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open val isNsfw: Boolean

Whether the channel is nsfw. This is inherited from the parent channel.

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Whether this thread is private.

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open override val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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The behavior of the last message sent to this channel, if present.

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The id of the last message sent to this channel, if present.

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The timestamp of the last pin

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open val member: ThreadMember?

The member of the current user in the thread.

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open val memberCount: Int?

An approximate count of users in this thread, stops counting at 50.

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Requests to get all members of the current thread.

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open val mention: String

This channel formatted as a mention as used by the Discord API.

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open val message: Message?

Only available when creating a thread in a ForumChannel or MediaChannel.

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open val messageCount: Int?

Number of messages (not including the initial message or deleted messages) in this thread.

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open val messages: Flow<Message>

Requests to get all messages in this channel.

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open val name: String

The name of this channel.

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open val ownerId: Snowflake

The id of the user who created the thread.

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open override val parentId: Snowflake
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Requests to get the pinned messages in this channel.

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The amount of time a user has to wait before sending another message.

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open override val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.

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Number of messages ever sent in this thread, it's similar to messageCount on message creation, but will not decrement the number when a message is deleted.

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open val type: ChannelType

The type of this channel.


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open suspend fun addUser(userId: Snowflake)

Adds the user identified by id from the current thread. Requires the thread is not locked. or current bot has Manage Threads permission

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open suspend override fun asChannel(): TextChannelThread

Requests to get this behavior as a Channel .

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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> ChannelBehavior.asChannelOf(): T

Requests to get the Channel represented by this ChannelBehavior.

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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> ChannelBehavior.asChannelOfOrNull(): T?

Requests to get the Channel represented by this ChannelBehavior, returns null if the Channel isn't present.

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open suspend override fun asChannelOrNull(): TextChannelThread

Requests to get this behavior as a Channel, returns null if the channel isn't present.

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open suspend fun bulkDelete(messages: Iterable<Snowflake>, deleteOlderMessages: Boolean = true, reason: String? = null)

Requests to bulk delete the messages.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Entity): Int

Compares entities on id.

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inline suspend fun MessageChannelBehavior.createEmbed(block: EmbedBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Requests to create a message with only an embed.

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open suspend fun createMessage(content: String): Message

Requests to create a message with only a MessageCreateBuilder.content.

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Requests to create a message configured by the builder.

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open suspend fun delete(reason: String? = null)

Requests to delete a channel (or close it if this is a dm channel).

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open suspend fun deleteMessage(id: Snowflake, reason: String? = null)

Requests to delete a message in this channel.

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open suspend fun fetchChannel(): Channel

Retrieve the Channel associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier

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open suspend fun fetchChannelOrNull(): Channel?

Retrieve the Channel associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the Channel isn't present.

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open suspend fun getGuild(): Guild

Requests to get this channel's Guild.

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open suspend fun getGuildOrNull(): Guild?

Requests to get this channel's Guild, returns null if the guild isn't present.

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open suspend fun getLastMessage(): Message?

Requests to get the last message sent to this channel, return null if no lastMessageId is present or if the message itself isn't present.

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open suspend fun getMessage(messageId: Snowflake): Message

Requests to get a message with the given messageId.

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open suspend fun getMessageOrNull(messageId: Snowflake): Message?

Requests to get a message with the given messageId, returns null if the message isn't present or is not part of this channel.

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open fun getMessagesAfter(messageId: Snowflake, limit: Int? = null): Flow<Message>

Requests to get all messages in this channel that were created after messageId.

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open fun getMessagesAround(messageId: Snowflake, limit: Int = 100): Flow<Message>

Requests to get Messages around (both older and newer) the messageId.

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open fun getMessagesBefore(messageId: Snowflake, limit: Int? = null): Flow<Message>

Requests to get all messages in this channel that were created before messageId.

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open suspend fun getParent(): ThreadParentChannel

Requests to get this channel's ThreadParentChannel.

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Requests to get this channel's ThreadParentChannel, returns null if the thread parent isn't present.

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open suspend fun join()

Join the the current thread. Requires the thread is not locked. or current bot has Manage Threads permission

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open suspend fun leave()

Leaves the current thread if the bot has already joined. Requires the thread is not locked. or current bot has Manage Threads permission

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fun Channel.live(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job)): LiveChannel
inline fun Channel.live(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job), block: LiveChannel.() -> Unit): LiveChannel
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open suspend fun removeUser(userId: Snowflake)

Removes the user identified by id from the current thread. Requires the thread is not locked. or current bot has Manage Threads permission

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open suspend fun type()

Requests to trigger the typing indicator for the bot in this channel. The typing status will persist for 10 seconds or until the bot creates a message in the channel.

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open suspend fun typeUntil(mark: TimeMark)

Requests to trigger the typing indicator for the bot in this channel. The typing status will persist until the mark is reached.

open suspend fun typeUntil(instant: Instant)

Requests to trigger the typing indicator for the bot in this channel. The typing status will persist until the instant is reached.

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open override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): TextChannelThread

Returns a new GuildMessageChannel with the given strategy.