
class Guild(val data: GuildData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : GuildBehavior(source)

An instance of a Discord Guild.


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constructor(data: GuildData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier)


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Returns all active public and private threads in this guild Threads are ordered by their id, in descending order.

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The id of the afk voice channel, if present.

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The afk timeout.

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The id of the guild creator if it is bot-created.

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The approximate number of members in this guild. Present if this guild was requested through rest with the flag with_counts.

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The approximate number of online members in this guild. Present if this guild was requested through rest with the flag with_counts.

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Requests to get all AutoModerationRules currently configured for this guild.

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The banner hash, if present.

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open val bans: Flow<Ban>

Requests to get all present bans for this guild.

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Requests to get all threads in this guild that are present in cache.

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The ids of all channels.

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Requests to get all present channels in this guild in an unspecified order, call toList().sorted() on the returned Flow to get a consistent order.

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The explicit content filter level.

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The default message notification level.

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The description of this guild, if present.

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The hash of the discovery splash, if present.

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The ids of custom emojis in this guild.

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Requests to get all custom emojis in this guild in an unspecified order.

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The behavior of the @everyone role.

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The enabled guild features.

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open val gateway: Gateway?

Returns the gateway this guild is part of as per the Discord sharding rules. Returns null if no gateway for the shard is present in kord.

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val icon: Asset?
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The icon hash, if present.

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open override val id: Snowflake

The unique identifier of this entity.

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Requests to get the integrations of this guild.

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Requests to get the invites for this guild.

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True if the guild is considered large, if present.

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Whether this bot is the owner of the server

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Whether this guild has enabled its widget.

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The time at which this guild was joined, if present.

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open override val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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The maximum number of members for this guild.

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The maximum number of presences for this guild. 25000 By default.

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The maximum amount of users in a stage video channel, if present.

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The maximum amount of users in a video channel, if present.

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The number of members in the guild, if present.

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open val members: Flow<Member>

Requests to get all present members in this guild.

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The required multi-factor authentication level of this guild.

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The name of this guild.

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The NSFW Level of this Guild

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The behavior of the owner.

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The id of the owner.

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Total permissions of the bot in the Guild (excludes channel overrides).

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The number of boosts this guild has, if present.

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The server boost level.

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Requests to get all present presences of this guild.

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The behavior of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted.

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the id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted.

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The voice region id for the guild.

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open val regions: Flow<Region>

Requests to get the present voice regions for this guild.

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The behaviors of the roles.

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The ids of the roles.

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open val roles: Flow<Role>

Requests to get all present roles in the guild.

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The channel behavior in which a discoverable server's rules should be found.

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The id of the channel in which a discoverable server's rules should be found

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The behavior of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive safety alerts from Discord.

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The id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive safety alerts from Discord.

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The splash hash, if present.

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open override val stickers: Flow<GuildSticker>
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open override val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.

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The behavior of the channel to which system messages are sent.

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The id of the channel to which system messages are sent.

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The vanity code of this server used in the vanityUrl, if present.

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The vanity invite URL of this server, if present.

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The verification level required for the guild.

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Requests to get the present voice states of this guild.

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open val webhooks: Flow<Webhook>

Requests to get all present webhooks for this guild.

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The welcome screen of a Community guild, shown to new members, returned in an Invite's guild object

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The behavior of the channel widgets will redirect users to, if present.

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The ID of the channel the widget will redirect users to, if present.


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open suspend override fun asGuild(): Guild

Requests to get this behavior as a Guild.

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open suspend override fun asGuildOrNull(): Guild

Requests to get this behavior as a Guild, returns null if the guild isn't present.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.ban(userId: Snowflake, builder: BanCreateBuilder.() -> Unit)

Requests to ban the given userId in this guild.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Entity): Int

Compares entities on id.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createCategory(name: String, builder: CategoryCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Category

Requests to create a new category.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createChatInputCommand(name: String, description: String, builder: ChatInputCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): GuildChatInputCommand
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createEmoji(name: String, image: Image, builder: EmojiCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): GuildEmoji
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createForumChannel(name: String, builder: ForumChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ForumChannel
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Requests to create a new KeywordAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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Requests to create a new KeywordPresetAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createMediaChannel(name: String, builder: MediaChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): MediaChannel
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Requests to create a new MemberProfileAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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Requests to create a new MentionSpamAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createNewsChannel(name: String, builder: NewsChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): NewsChannel

Requests to create a new news channel.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createRole(builder: RoleCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Role

Requests to add a new role to this guild.

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Requests to create a new SpamAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createStageChannel(name: String, builder: StageChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): StageChannel

Requests to create a new stage channel.

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open suspend fun createSticker(name: String, description: String, tags: String, file: NamedFile): GuildSticker
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createTextChannel(name: String, builder: TextChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): TextChannel

Requests to create a new text channel.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createVoiceChannel(name: String, builder: VoiceChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): VoiceChannel

Requests to create a new voice channel.

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open suspend fun delete()

Requests to delete this guild.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.edit(builder: GuildModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Guild

Requests to edit this guild.

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open suspend fun editMFALevel(level: MFALevel, reason: String? = null): MFALevel

Requests to edit this guild's MFA level and returns the updated level.

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Requests to edit the GuildOnboarding object of the guild and returns the edited onboarding object.

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open suspend fun editSelfNickname(newNickname: String? = null, reason: String? = null): String

Requests to change the nickname of the bot in this guild, passing null will remove it.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open suspend fun fetchGuild(): Guild

Retrieve the Guild associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier

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open suspend fun fetchGuildOrNull(): Guild?

Retrieve the Guild associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the Guild isn't present.

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suspend fun getAfkChannel(): VoiceChannel?

Requests to get the VoiceChannel represented by the afkChannelId, returns null if the afkChannelId isn't present or the channel itself isn't present.

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open fun getApplicationCommands(withLocalizations: Boolean? = null): Flow<GuildApplicationCommand>
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The Audit log entries from this guild, configured by the builder.

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Requests an AutoModerationRule by its id.

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Requests an AutoModerationRule by its id. Returns null if it wasn't found.

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open suspend fun getBan(userId: Snowflake): Ban

Requests to get the Ban of the User represented by the userId.

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open suspend fun getBanOrNull(userId: Snowflake): Ban?

Requests to get the Ban of the User represented by the userId, returns null if the Ban isn't present.

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open suspend fun getChannel(channelId: Snowflake): GuildChannel

Requests to get the TopGuildChannel represented by the channelId.

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inline suspend fun <T : GuildChannel> GuildBehavior.getChannelOf(channelId: Snowflake): T

Requests to get the GuildChannel represented by the channelId as type T.

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inline suspend fun <T : GuildChannel> GuildBehavior.getChannelOfOrNull(channelId: Snowflake): T?

Requests to get the GuildChannel represented by the channelId as type T, returns null if the GuildChannel isn't present.

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open suspend fun getChannelOrNull(channelId: Snowflake): GuildChannel?

Requests to get the GuildChannel represented by the channelId, returns null if the GuildChannel isn't present.

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Requests to get the TopGuildChannel represented by the widgetChannelId, returns null if the TopGuildChannel isn't present or widgetChannelId is null.

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suspend fun getEmoji(emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji

Requests to get the GuildEmoji represented by the emojiId in this guild.

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suspend fun getEmojiOrNull(emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji?

Requests to get the GuildEmoji represented by the emojiId in this guild, returns null if the GuildEmoji isn't present.

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suspend fun getEveryoneRole(): Role

Requests to get the @everyone Role.

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suspend fun getEveryoneRoleOrNull(): Role?

Requests to get the @everyone Role, returns null if the Role isn't present.

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Requests a GuildScheduledEvent by its id.

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Requests a GuildScheduledEvent by its id returns null if none could be found.

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open suspend fun getInvite(code: String, withCounts: Boolean = true, withExpiration: Boolean = true, scheduledEventId: Snowflake? = null): Invite

Requests to get the Invite represented by the code.

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open suspend fun getInviteOrNull(code: String, withCounts: Boolean = true, withExpiration: Boolean = true, scheduledEventId: Snowflake? = null): Invite?

Requests to get the Invite represented by the code, returns null if the Invite isn't present.

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open suspend fun getMember(userId: Snowflake): Member

Requests to get the Member represented by the userId.

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open suspend fun getMemberOrNull(userId: Snowflake): Member?

Requests to get the Member represented by the userId, returns null if the Member isn't present.

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open fun getMembers(query: String, limit: Int = 1000): Flow<Member>

Requests to get up to limit members whose Member.username or Member.nickname match the query. The limit accepts a maximum value of 1000 and a minimum of 1.

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open suspend fun getOnboarding(): GuildOnboarding

Requests the onboarding object for this guild.

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Requests the onboarding object for this guild. Returns null if it wasn't found.

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suspend fun getOwner(): Member

Requests to get the owner of this guild as a Member.

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suspend fun getOwnerOrNull(): Member?

Requests to get the owner of this guild as a Member, returns null if the Member isn't present.

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open suspend fun getPreview(): GuildPreview

Returns the preview of this guild. The bot does not need to present in this guild for this to complete successfully.

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open suspend fun getPreviewOrNull(): GuildPreview?

Returns the preview of this guild. The bot does not need to present in this guild for this to complete successfully. Returns null if the preview doesn't exist.

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open suspend fun getPruneCount(days: Int = 7): Int

Requests to get the amount of users that would be pruned in this guild.

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Requests to get The channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted.

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open suspend fun getRole(roleId: Snowflake): Role

Requests to get the Role represented by the roleId.

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open suspend fun getRoleOrNull(roleId: Snowflake): Role?

Requests to get the Role represented by the roleId, returns null if the Role isn't present.

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Requests to get the channel in which a discoverable server's rules should be found represented, returns null if the TopGuildMessageChannel isn't present, or rulesChannelId is null.

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open suspend fun getSticker(stickerId: Snowflake): GuildSticker
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open suspend fun getStickerOrNull(stickerId: Snowflake): GuildSticker?
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Requests to get the channel where system messages (member joins, server boosts, etc.) are sent, returns null if the TextChannel isn't present or the systemChannelId is null.

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open suspend fun getTemplate(code: String): Template
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open suspend fun getTemplateOrNull(code: String): Template?
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open suspend fun getVanityUrl(): String?

Requests to get the vanity url of this guild, if present.

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open suspend fun getWelcomeScreen(): WelcomeScreen
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open suspend fun getWidget(): GuildWidget
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Requests to get the channel the widget will redirect users to, returns null if the TextChannel isn't present or the widgetChannelId is null.

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open suspend fun getWidgetOrNull(): GuildWidget?
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open suspend fun kick(userId: Snowflake, reason: String? = null)

Requests to kick the given userId.

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open suspend fun leave()

Requests to leave this guild.

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fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job)): LiveGuild
inline fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job), block: LiveGuild.() -> Unit): LiveGuild
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open suspend fun prune(days: Int = 7, reason: String? = null): Int

Requests to prune users in this guild.

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Executes the request on this gateway, returning a flow of MembersChunkEvent responses.

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Executes a RequestGuildMembers command configured by the builder for guild on this gateway, returning a flow of MembersChunkEvent responses.

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Requests to swap positions of channels in this guild.

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Requests to swap positions of roles in this guild.

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open override fun toString(): String
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open suspend fun unban(userId: Snowflake, reason: String? = null)

Requests to unban the given userId.

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open override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): Guild

Returns a new Guild with the given strategy.