
class Category(val data: ChannelData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : TopGuildChannel, CategoryBehavior(source)

An instance of a Discord category associated to a guild.


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constructor(data: ChannelData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier)


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Requests to get the channels that belong to this Category.

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open override val data: ChannelData
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open val flags: ChannelFlags?

The flags of this channel, if present.

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open override val guild: GuildBehavior

The guild behavior this channel is associated to.

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open override val guildId: Snowflake

The id of the guild this channel is associated to.

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open override val id: Snowflake

The unique identifier of this entity.

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open override val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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open val mention: String

This channel formatted as a mention as used by the Discord API.

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open val name: String

The name of this channel.

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The permission overwrites for this channel.

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open val rawPosition: Int

The raw position of this channel in the guild as displayed by Discord.

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open override val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.

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open val type: ChannelType

The type of this channel.


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open suspend fun addOverwrite(overwrite: PermissionOverwrite, reason: String? = null)

Requests to add or replace a PermissionOverwrite to this entity.

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open suspend override fun asChannel(): Category

Requests to get this behavior as a Channel .

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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> ChannelBehavior.asChannelOf(): T

Requests to get the Channel represented by this ChannelBehavior.

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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> ChannelBehavior.asChannelOfOrNull(): T?

Requests to get the Channel represented by this ChannelBehavior, returns null if the Channel isn't present.

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open suspend override fun asChannelOrNull(): Category

Requests to get this behavior as a Channel, returns null if the channel isn't present.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Entity): Int

Compares entities on id.

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inline suspend fun CategoryBehavior.createNewsChannel(name: String, builder: NewsChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): NewsChannel

Requests to create a new news channel with this category as parent.

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Requests to create a new stage channel with this category as parent.

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inline suspend fun CategoryBehavior.createTextChannel(name: String, builder: TextChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): TextChannel

Requests to create a new text channel with this category as parent.

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Requests to create a new voice channel with this category as parent.

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open suspend fun delete(reason: String? = null)

Requests to delete a channel (or close it if this is a dm channel).

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Requests to edit this category.

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Requests to add or replace a PermissionOverwrite for the memberId.

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Requests to add or replace a PermissionOverwrite for the roleId.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open suspend fun fetchChannel(): Channel

Retrieve the Channel associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier

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open suspend fun fetchChannelOrNull(): Channel?

Retrieve the Channel associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the Channel isn't present.

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open suspend fun getEffectivePermissions(memberId: Snowflake): Permissions

Calculates the effective permissions of the memberId in this channel, applying the overwrite for the member and their roles on top of the base permissions.

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open suspend fun getGuild(): Guild

Requests to get this channel's Guild.

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open suspend fun getGuildOrNull(): Guild?

Requests to get this channel's Guild, returns null if the guild isn't present.

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Gets the permission overwrite for the memberId in this channel, if present.

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Gets the permission overwrite for the roleId in this channel, if present.

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open suspend fun getPosition(): Int

Requests to get the position of this channel in the guild, as displayed in Discord.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job)): LiveCategory
fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job)): LiveChannel
fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job)): LiveGuildChannel
inline fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job), block: LiveCategory.() -> Unit): LiveCategory
inline fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job), block: LiveChannel.() -> Unit): LiveChannel
inline fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job), block: LiveGuildChannel.() -> Unit): LiveGuildChannel
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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): Category

Returns a new Category with the given strategy.