
open class Invite(val data: BaseInviteData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : KordObject, Strategizable(source)

An instance of a Discord Invite.



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constructor(data: BaseInviteData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier)


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Approximate count of total members.

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Approximate count of online members.

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The behavior of the channel this invite is for.

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The id of the channel this invite is for.

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The unique code of this invite.

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The expiration date of this invite.

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The event this invite is for.

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The user behavior of the user who created this invite, if present.

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The id of the user who created this invite, if present.

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override val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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Returns PartialGuild if this invite is for a guild.

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override val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.

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The embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite.

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The type of target for this voice channel invite.

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The behavior of the user whose stream to display for this voice channel stream invite

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The id of the user whose stream to display for this voice channel stream invite


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suspend fun delete(reason: String? = null): Invite

Requests to delete this invite.

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suspend fun getChannelOrNull(): Channel?

Requests to get the channel this invite is for, returns null if the Channel isn't present.

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suspend fun getInviterOrNull(): User?

Requests to get the creator of the invite for, returns null if the User isn't present or inviterId is null.

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suspend fun getTargetUserOrNull(): User?

Requests to get the user this invite was created for, returns null if the User isn't present or targetUserId is null.

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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): Invite

Returns a new Invite with the given strategy.