
open class User(val data: UserData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : UserBehavior(source)

An instance of a Discord User.



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constructor(data: UserData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier)


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The avatar of this user as an Asset.

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The 4-digit code at the end of the user's discord tag.

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The user's effective name, prioritizing globalName over username.

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The user's display name, if it is set. For bots, this is the application name.

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open override val id: Snowflake

The unique identifier of this entity.

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Whether this user is a bot account.

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Returns true if the user is the same as the bot.

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open override val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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open val mention: String
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The flags on a user's account, if present.

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open override val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.

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val tag: String

The complete user tag.

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The username of this user.


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open suspend fun asMember(guildId: Snowflake): Member

Requests to get the this behavior as a Member in the Guild with the guildId.

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open suspend fun asMemberOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): Member?

Requests to get this behavior as a Member in the Guild with the guildId, returns null if the member isn't present.

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open suspend override fun asUser(): User

Requests to get the this behavior as a User.

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open suspend override fun asUserOrNull(): User

Requests to get this behavior as a User, returns null if the user isn't present.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Entity): Int

Compares entities on id.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open suspend fun fetchMember(guildId: Snowflake): Member

Retrieve the Member associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier

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open suspend fun fetchMemberOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): Member?

Retrieve the Member associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the Member isn't present.

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open suspend fun fetchUser(): User

Retrieve the User associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier

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open suspend fun fetchUserOrNull(): User?

Retrieve the User associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the User isn't present.

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open suspend fun getDmChannel(): DmChannel

Requests to get or create a DmChannel between this bot and the user.

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open suspend fun getDmChannelOrNull(): DmChannel?

Requests to get or create a DmChannel between this bot and the user, returns null if the user does not allow DMs.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job)): LiveUser
inline fun CoroutineScope = kord + SupervisorJob(kord.coroutineContext.job), block: LiveUser.() -> Unit): LiveUser
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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): User

Returns a new User with the given strategy.