
An Event that is associated with an AutoModerationRule.

Events of this type are only sent to bot users which have the ManageGuild permission.



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A custom object that can be inserted when creating events. By default, this is just null.

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open val gateway: Gateway

The Gateway that spawned this event.

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The behavior of the Guild this event is for.

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abstract val guildId: Snowflake

The ID of the Guild this event is for.

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abstract val kord: Kord

The kord instance that created this object.

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The behavior of the AutoModerationRule this event is associated with.

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abstract val ruleId: Snowflake

The ID of the AutoModerationRule this event is associated with.

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abstract val shard: Int

The shard number of the gateway that spawned this event.

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abstract val supplier: EntitySupplier

The supplier used to request entities.


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open suspend fun getGuild(): Guild

Requests to get the Guild this event is for.

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open suspend fun getGuildOrNull(): Guild?

Requests to get the Guild this event is for. Returns null if it wasn't found.

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abstract override fun toString(): String
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abstract override fun withStrategy(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>): AutoModerationEvent

Returns a copy of this class with a new supplier provided by the strategy.