
EntitySupplier that uses a DataCache to resolve entities.

Getting existing entities should not throw any RequestException unless specified by the configured cache.

The supplier might not be able to return entities independent of their actual existence, their presence depends on incoming events from the Gateway and how the cache is set up to store entities.

Returned flows without entities will not throw an EntityNotFoundException if none are presented like other getX functions. Instead, the flow will be empty.


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constructor(kord: Kord)


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Returns a Flow of Channels fetched from cache.

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open override val guilds: Flow<Guild>

fetches all cached Guilds

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fetches all cached Members

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open override val regions: Flow<Region>

fetches all cached Regions

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fetches all cached Roles

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fetches all cached Users


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open override fun getActiveThreads(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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open suspend fun getApplicationCommandPermissions(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): ApplicationCommandPermissions
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open suspend override fun getApplicationCommandPermissionsOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): ApplicationCommandPermissions?
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open suspend fun getAutoModerationRule(guildId: Snowflake, ruleId: Snowflake): AutoModerationRule

Requests an AutoModerationRule by its id.

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open suspend override fun getAutoModerationRuleOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, ruleId: Snowflake): AutoModerationRule?

Requests an AutoModerationRule by its id. Returns null if it wasn't found.

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Requests to get all AutoModerationRules currently configured for the Guild with the given guildId.

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open suspend fun getChannel(id: Snowflake): Channel

Requests the Channel with the given id.

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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> EntitySupplier.getChannelOf(id: Snowflake): T

Requests the Channel with the given id as type T.

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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> EntitySupplier.getChannelOfOrNull(id: Snowflake): T?

Requests the Channel with the given id as type T, returns null if the channel isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.

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open suspend override fun getChannelOrNull(id: Snowflake): Channel?

Requests the Channel with the given id, returns null when the channel isn't present.

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open override fun getChannelPins(channelId: Snowflake): Flow<Message>

Requests the pinned messages of the Channel with the given channelId.

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open override fun getChannelWebhooks(channelId: Snowflake): Flow<Webhook>

Requests the webhooks of the MessageChannel with the given channelId.

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open override fun getCurrentUserGuilds(limit: Int?): Flow<Guild>

Requests guilds this bot is known to be part of.

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open suspend fun getEmoji(guildId: Snowflake, emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji

Requests the GuildEmoji with the emojiId in the Guild wit the given guildId.

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open suspend override fun getEmojiOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji?

Requests the GuildEmoji with the emojiId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the emoji isn't present.

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open override fun getEmojis(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<GuildEmoji>

Requests the guild emojis of the Guild with the given guildId.

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open override fun getEntitlements(applicationId: Snowflake, request: EntitlementsListRequest): Flow<Entitlement>

Requests to get all Entitlements for the Application with the given applicationId.

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open suspend fun getFollowupMessage(applicationId: Snowflake, interactionToken: String, messageId: Snowflake): FollowupMessage

Requests a followup message for an interaction response.

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open suspend override fun getFollowupMessageOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, interactionToken: String, messageId: Snowflake): FollowupMessage?

Requests a followup message for an interaction response. Returns null if the followup message isn't present.

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open suspend fun getGlobalApplicationCommand(applicationId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GlobalApplicationCommand
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Requests the GlobalApplicationCommand with the given id as type T.

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Requests the GuildApplicationCommand with the given id as type T, returns null if the command application isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.

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open suspend override fun getGlobalApplicationCommandOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GlobalApplicationCommand?
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open override fun getGlobalApplicationCommands(applicationId: Snowflake, withLocalizations: Boolean?): Flow<GlobalApplicationCommand>
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Requests the GlobalApplicationCommand with the given id as type T.

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Requests the GlobalApplicationCommand with the given id as type T, returns null if the command application isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.

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open suspend fun getGuild(id: Snowflake): Guild

Requests the Guild with the given id.

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open suspend fun getGuildApplicationCommand(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GuildApplicationCommand
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Requests the GuildApplicationCommand with the given id as type T.

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Requests the GuildApplicationCommand with the given id as type T, returns null if the command application isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.

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open suspend override fun getGuildApplicationCommandOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GuildApplicationCommand?
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open override fun getGuildApplicationCommands(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, withLocalizations: Boolean?): Flow<GuildApplicationCommand>
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open suspend fun getGuildBan(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Ban

Requests the Ban for the user the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the ban isn't present.

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open suspend override fun getGuildBanOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Ban?

Requests the Ban for the user the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the ban isn't present.

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open override fun getGuildBans(guildId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<Ban>

Requests the bans of the Guild with the given guildId.

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open override fun getGuildChannels(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<TopGuildChannel>

Requests the channels of the Guild with the given guildId, channels with an Unknown type will be filtered out of the list.

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open override fun getGuildMembers(guildId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<Member>

Requests the members of the Guild with the given guildId.

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open suspend override fun getGuildOrNull(id: Snowflake): Guild?

Requests the Guild with the given id, returns null when the guild isn't present.

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open suspend fun getGuildPreview(guildId: Snowflake): GuildPreview

Requests the preview of the guild matching the guildId. If the bot is not in the guild, then the guild must be lurkable.

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open suspend override fun getGuildPreviewOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildPreview?

Requests the preview of the guild matching the guildId. If the bot is not in the guild, then the guild must be lurkable. Returns null if the preview was not found.

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open override fun getGuildRoles(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Role>

Requests the roles of the Guild with the given guildId.

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open suspend fun getGuildScheduledEvent(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake): GuildScheduledEvent
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open fun getGuildScheduledEventMembers(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake, limit: Int? = null): Flow<Member>
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open override fun getGuildScheduledEventMembersAfter(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake, after: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<Member>
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open override fun getGuildScheduledEventMembersBefore(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake, before: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<Member>
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open suspend override fun getGuildScheduledEventOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake): GuildScheduledEvent?
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open fun getGuildScheduledEventUsers(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake, limit: Int? = null): Flow<User>
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open override fun getGuildScheduledEventUsersAfter(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake, after: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<User>
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open override fun getGuildScheduledEventUsersBefore(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake, before: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<User>
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open suspend fun getGuildSticker(guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): GuildSticker
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open suspend override fun getGuildStickerOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): GuildSticker?
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open override fun getGuildStickers(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<GuildSticker>
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open override fun getGuildVoiceRegions(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Region>

Requests the regions of the Guild with the given guildId.

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open override fun getGuildWebhooks(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Webhook>

Requests the webhooks of the Guild with the given guildId.

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open suspend fun getGuildWidget(guildId: Snowflake): GuildWidget

Requests to get the widget of a Guild with the given id.

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open suspend override fun getGuildWidgetOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildWidget?

Requests to get the widget of a Guild with the given id, returns null if the GuildWidget isn't present.

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open override fun getJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Snowflake?, limit: Int?): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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open suspend fun getMember(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Member

Requests the Member with the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId.

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open suspend override fun getMemberOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Member?

Requests the Member with the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the member isn't present.

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open suspend fun getMessage(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake): Message

Requests the Message with the given messageId in the MessageChannel with the given channelId.

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open suspend override fun getMessageOrNull(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake): Message?

Requests the Message with the given messageId in the MessageChannel with the given channelId, returns null when the message isn't present.

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open override fun getMessagesAfter(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<Message>

Requests a flow of messages created after the Message with the messageId in the MessageChannel with the channelId.

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open override fun getMessagesAround(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int): Flow<Message>

Requests a flow of messages created around the Message with the messageId in the MessageChannel with the channelId.

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open override fun getMessagesBefore(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow<Message>

Requests a flow of messages created before the Message with the messageId in the MessageChannel with the channelId.

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open override fun getNitroStickerPacks(): Flow<StickerPack>
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open override fun getPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Instant?, limit: Int?): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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open override fun getPublicArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Instant?, limit: Int?): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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suspend fun getRole(id: Snowflake): Role?

open suspend fun getRole(guildId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake): Role

Requests the Role with the given roleId in the Guild wit the given guildId.

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open suspend override fun getRoleOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake): Role?

Requests the Role with the given roleId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the role isn't present.

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open suspend fun getSelf(): User

Requests the User this bot represents.

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open suspend override fun getSelfOrNull(): User?

Requests the User this bot represents, returns null when the user isn't present.

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open suspend fun getStageInstance(channelId: Snowflake): StageInstance
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open suspend override fun getStageInstanceOrNull(channelId: Snowflake): StageInstance?
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open suspend fun getSticker(id: Snowflake): Sticker
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open suspend override fun getStickerOrNull(id: Snowflake): Sticker?
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open suspend fun getSubscription(skuId: Snowflake, subscriptionId: Snowflake): Subscription

Requests a Subscription by its id.

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open suspend override fun getSubscriptionOrNull(skuId: Snowflake, subscriptionId: Snowflake): Subscription?

Requests a Subscription by its id. Returns null if it wasn't found.

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Requests to get all Subscriptions containing the Sku with the given skuId.

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open suspend fun getTemplate(code: String): Template

Requests the Template with the given code. returns null when the webhook isn't present.

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open suspend override fun getTemplateOrNull(code: String): Template?

Requests the Template with the given code. returns null when the template isn't present.

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open override fun getTemplates(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Template>
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open override fun getThreadMembers(channelId: Snowflake): Flow<ThreadMember>
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open suspend fun getUser(id: Snowflake): User

Requests the User with the given id.

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open suspend override fun getUserOrNull(id: Snowflake): User?

Requests the User with the given id, returns null when the user isn't present.

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open suspend fun getWebhook(id: Snowflake): Webhook

Requests the Webhook with the given id.

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open suspend fun getWebhookMessage(webhookId: Snowflake, token: String, messageId: Snowflake, threadId: Snowflake? = null): Message

Requests the Message with the given messageId previously sent from a Webhook with the given webhookId using the token for authentication.

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open suspend override fun getWebhookMessageOrNull(webhookId: Snowflake, token: String, messageId: Snowflake, threadId: Snowflake?): Message?

Requests the Message with the given messageId previously sent from a Webhook with the given webhookId using the token for authentication, returns null when the message isn't present.

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open suspend override fun getWebhookOrNull(id: Snowflake): Webhook?

Requests the Webhook with the given id, returns null when the webhook isn't present.

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open suspend fun getWebhookWithToken(id: Snowflake, token: String): Webhook

Requests the Webhook with the given id using the token for authentication.

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open suspend override fun getWebhookWithTokenOrNull(id: Snowflake, token: String): Webhook?

Requests the Webhook with the given id using the token for authentication, returns null when the webhook isn't present.

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open override fun toString(): String
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Creates supplier providing a strategy which will first operate on this supplier. When an entity is not present from the first supplier it will be fetched from other instead. Operations that return flows will only fall back to other when the returned flow contained no elements.