An instance of a Discord Member.
The Instant until the user's timeout expires, or null
if the user does not have a timeout.
The 4-digit code at the end of the user's discord tag.
The member's effective name, prioritizing nickname over globalName and username.
The user's effective name, prioritizing globalName over username.
The GuildMemberFlags of this member.
The user's display name, if it is set. For bots, this is the application name.
The guild this channel is associated to.
The guild avatar of this member as an Asset.
The total Permissions of this member in the channel an interaction was sent from.
When the user used their Nitro boost on the server.
The flags on a user's account, if present.
The behaviors of the roles that apply to this user.
The supplier used to request entities.
Requests to get this behavior as a Member, returns null if the member isn't present.
Requests to get this behavior as a User, returns null if the user isn't present.
Requests to ban this member.
Requests to edit this member.
Retrieve the Member associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier
Retrieve the Member associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the Member isn't present.
Retrieve the User associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier
Retrieve the User associated with this behaviour from the provided EntitySupplier returns null if the User isn't present.
Requests to get or create a DmChannel between this bot and the user.
Requests to get or create a DmChannel between this bot and the user, returns null if the user does not allow DMs.
Requests to calculate a summation of the permissions of this member's roles.
Requests to get the VoiceState of this member in the guild.
Requests to get the VoiceState of this member in the guild, returns null if the VoiceState isn't present.
Whether this member's id equals the Guild.ownerId.